Variants include Reverse Capture the Flag maps, which involve taking a flag from your base and pushing it onto the enemy's capture point within the enemy base while attempting to prevent the enemy from achieving the same and Football Capture the Flag features a common flag, or in most cases ball, that has to be pushed onto an enemy capture point.In Capture the Flag, the goal for both teams is to capture the enemy's flag until the point limit is reached or the time-limit expires while preventing their enemy from achieving the same.To capture a control point, a teammate must have a flag for the blue team. Both teams start within their own base, and Attack/Defense, where The Red team begins with all the control points taken, and wins if time runs out before the other side captures all three control points. Variants include Standard Control, where maps play symmetrically.In most control point maps, the points need to be captured in a linear fashion, but some allow a more open-ended approach.

The team who forces their enemies into submission and captures all the points wins. Both teams compete for control points-platforms with a team logo and/or team-colored flag in the center - which must be captured by standing on them or with a flag. The Control Point gametype works on the premise of seizing territory to shift the focus of battle.There are three basic gameplay types: Control Point, Capture the Flag, and Assassination/Escort