
Rocky balboa speech reaction
Rocky balboa speech reaction

rocky balboa speech reaction

While Coogler’s father ultimately recovered – it turned out to be a severe vitamin B12 deficiency – the experience of seeing his strong, powerful father having to fight his condition left an understandable impact on the director. An undiagnosed neuro-muscular condition affected his ability to walk, and his prognosis was approaching a stage where his doctors were suggesting that it might be terminal. While Coogler was preparing to shoot Fruitvale Station, he father fell ill. As I got older and became an athlete, if I had a big football game or big basketball game, he would say “hey man, c’mon, we’ll take five minutes and watch this scene from Rocky so you can get fired up.” Then we’d go off and I’d play.’ We would watch Rocky II and he would cry and stand up and cheer at the same spots, every time. I’ve been watching these movies as long as I can remember, because he was obsessed with them. ‘I learned in film school,’ said director Ryan Coogler, ‘that the type of movies I like to make are the ones that are extremely personal to me.’ Coogler said this in an interview with film industry website Deadline, while explaining why – after making a huge impact on critics with his debut feature Fruitvale Station – he would select as his second project the seventh film in the decades-long Rocky saga.


Released back in 2015, it is a pitch-perfect continuation of one of Hollywood’s best movie franchises: not a cash-in to further profit from Rocky’s reputation, but an artistically valid and deeply personal film from one of American cinema’s most talented new filmmakers. That second comparison is the key one, because of course Creed is a sequel to those Rocky films. That would include Martin Scorsese’s legendary Raging Bull and any of Avildsen and Stallone’s six Rocky films. It is arguable that there has not been a better realisation of a boxing match in a film before. The impressive part is just how immersive and emotionally effective these sorts of camera techniques make the fight. The impressive part of the scene is not the technical achievement, although it is worth noting that it was achieved in a single take without editing tricks and with a roving make-up crew diving into the ring and applying the blood to each fighter when the camera was pointed in another direction.

rocky balboa speech reaction

That one complex tracking shot just keeps going and going.

rocky balboa speech reaction rocky balboa speech reaction

These fighters are getting beaten-up and bruised. The camera moves fluidly around the ring, from mid-shot to close-up, highlighting the fight, the characters’ reactions, the audience and so on, but it is all in a single take. Somewhere into this scene it will become apparent to the viewer that the camera angle has not changed. They head back out again, punching each other with a fierce brutality. The bell rings, and the boxers go back to their corners to recover and listen to their trainers. They start to get in some hits, back and forth. The two boxers tap gloves, the bell rings, and they begin to warily circle one another. Halfway through the 2015 drama Creed there is a scene of a boxing match.

Rocky balboa speech reaction